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Parasites And Lyme Disease

19 Oct


Parasites And Lyme Disease

I have talked to a lot of people who have asked “do I have parasites” or said “I don’t have parasites“. I was one of those who said “I don’t have any parasites, just Lyme“. Boy was I wrong, I ended up of having two different types of intestinal worms, liver flukes and probably other things I could not see with the human eye.

Parasites can come in many forms and all can do different harm to the human body. Some parasites can be fatal or chronic but some can be treated and cured. Anyone can get infected with a parasite anywhere in the world and never know it. You can get a parasite from ingesting it in food or water, breathing it in, through skin contact and more. Even a scratch from a house cat can give you all kinds of different things such as Bartonella or Hookworms.

If you have Lyme disease or any other disease and a low immune system or no immune system then I highly recommend avoiding eating Sushi or undercooked fish or meat. That is a good way to get a tapeworm or other worms that can do damage to your body. Those intestinal worms can help keep you from healing properly and make you depressed even more.

**There is a ton of information on parasites but I am covering some basics because my brain cannot handle finding all the information or writing it, so speak to your doctor or search the internet for more information.

What Do Parasites Have To Do With Your Lyme Disease

I have heard from numerous LLMDs and other experts that in order to start treating and healing your Lyme disease you must first try to heal your tick-borne diseases (coinfections) and parasites first. It is said that 90% of people in the world have some form of a parasite. So it is extremely likely this means you.

For intestinal worms I recommend doing a MetaMetrix stool sample from your doctor or you can do it at home and mail it in. Have you notice anything funny looking in your toilet when you go to the bathroom? Do you have any red marks on your skin that don’t seem to go away? Does your skin itch a lot? These can all be signs of parasites but there are many more signs.

You can get all sorts of nasty critter from vacations in places like Mexico, Africa or anywhere in the world but especially countries with poor sanitation. Parasites can live within the intestines for years without causing any symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Gas or bloating
  • Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus)
  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
  • Rash or Itching
  • Fevers
  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Feeling tired
  • Weight loss
  • Passing a worm in your stool
  • Depression
  • Nightmares
  • Meningitis
  • And the list goes on……..
Getting a parasite is almost unavoidable but you can help prevent getting them. Here are some the ways you can get parasites and you can see why 90% of us have them:
  • Swimming in ponds, lakes and even swimming pools
  • Eating raw fish (Sushi) and undercooked fish
  • Getting your feet or hands in soil
  • Breathing in dust
  • Skin contact
  • Insect bites
  • Animal scratches or bites
  • Etc….


There are different prescriptions for each parasite so I cannot name one that will work in your case. For my intestinal worms and liver flukes I took Ivermectin which I have posted before and it seemed to kill them all. I had no side effects so I would recommend it. It is really gross to think about it and you may be embarrassed to bring it up with your doctor but it is something you don’t want to let sit for years.


LLMD Visit Today – New Treatment

11 Sep



LLMD Visit – New Treatment For Sept – Nov

Had to be up early which is about my usual bedtime and take a long car ride to see my LLMD today. We sat and discussed a few things that have been getting worse for me lately. The first thing was my severe night sweats which we had discussed before. The second being my male part having a candida outbreak a few months ago and the third was my brain which is getting worse each month. We also talked about my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and many other issues.


All of those I mentioned above my doctor and have talked about nearly 2 years ago. The issues above have been getting worse so I brought them up again. I know many people who have nearly recovered from Babesia yet mine seems to get worse. I believe I have the strain which is harder to kill. After 1000’s of mosquito bites in one day and numerous tick bites I could have different strains of Babesia in my body.

Babesia is what is causing my night sweats which continually soak my bed daily. It makes it hard to get what little sleep I can without getting the chills from the moisture and not sticking to my sheets. I will be taking a new antibiotic for Babesia and stopping the herbal tinctures such as A-bab and Cryptolepis for now. I have already did my share of Mepron and Malarone. I will list the new abx below.

Genital Candida Outbreak

Yes this was/is as horrible as it sounds. I will not go into detail but believe me there was/is a lot of pain, discomfort and bleeding. The genital candida can look and act like genital herpes but remember Lyme can cause all sorts of herpes in your body. I have not had sex in forever so I knew I could rule that out and had a good idea it was yeast/candida from all the antibiotics I have been taking. The problem was I lost my insurance 2 days before the outbreak occurred and I couldn’t see my LLMD for 2 months after.

I treated the outbreak with various ointments and Nystatin cream. I can share that my manhood looked like a dogs chew toy and this was not fun to deal with on top of everything else. I am back to normal and about 98% healed. I will be taking some pill and rubbing a new cream on daily for the next month. I will list those below.

Cognitive Problems

I have been feeling like I am getting Alzheimer’s lately. I have had the cognitive problems for years but recently my dyslexia started getting even more jumbled and my memory is worse. I have also been having more trouble finding words to say and all of the usual brain issues. This is said to be caused by inflammation of the brain and poor blood circulation. I was given a new tincture and pill which I will share below.


We also talked about my arthritis getting worse but my LLMD does not write my prescriptions for my pain pills so there is not much he can do. He just recommended some anti-inflammatories. I am getting so stiff it is hard to walk. The arthritis is pretty much all over my body.


Blood Labs

I am getting my usual blood work done to check my organs but I am also checking for Mycoplasma and Chlamydophila Pneumoniae. I suspect I have both since I did nearly die from pneumonia and have had some lung issues. After listening to my lungs today the doctor order these tests which makes me think he suspects I have them also. The will also be checking my Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) which we have tested for many times in the past. Maybe he thinks I have Lupus again? Lupus does run in my family and I thought I had Lupus before I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Lyme….etc. (CBC, CMP 14, Thyroid, Myco, Chlamydia)


My New Treatment

Ketoconazole 2% (apply to Candida area)

Clindamycin 300mg (2 pills 3x daily for Babesia)

Suprax 400mg (1 pill daily)

Meriva 500 (2 pills twice a day)

Fluconazole 200mg (1 pill per day)

Folapro (MTHFR)

Glutathione (MTHFR)

VSL#3 (continue to keep from getting C-Diff)

Florastor (probiotic to help with abx)

*I will continue to take Milk Thistle, Chanca Piedra (which are both important for cleaning out the liver/kidneys), Krill Oil, Vit B-Complex, Vit C, Artemisinin, Vit B12, and a few other supplements.


Help Inanna House Get Funded – Indiegogo

18 Jul


Help support Inanna House and get funded to get help for many chronic Lyme sufferers. The goal is to reach to $20,000 and there are only 45 days left. You can visit their web site at the link below and read below for more details about Inanna House.

Inanna House: An Inpatient, Residential, Holistic Recovery Center for Chronic Lyme Disease sufferers.

Click HERE to help fund Inanna House, get more details and watch a video


Visit the Inanna House homepage HERE



Why Inanna House??

Many people have been wondering why I have been so persistant and passionately dedicated these past few month to help raise funds for Inanna House, but the answer is SO simple to me:

For the past 5 years I’ve both experienced and been witness to countless acts of unimaginable suffering, loss, fearful uncertainty, and utter despair from the lack of resources, financial support, and understanding within the Medical Community and beyond for the millions of people diagnosed wth Chronic Lyme Disease.

It has been an experience I pray none of you will ever know, as the sheer magnitude of it is enough to literally break someone’s soul and have them lose faith in humanity itself…I know because it almost happened to me.

When I found Inanna House,however, and felt the sincere wamth and infallible integrity from its founders, I simply knew that there was an answer; a vision I could hold onto for dear life – one that could grant me the courage to fiercely fight to see it built, as it would not only restore my faith, but it would also PREVENT all of us diagnosed with this condition from losing theirs. And, like I said before, that is everything I could ever wish for.

My Sincerest Thanks,

Sarah Lamando

PS. My video may be a little choppy, but to get a REAL laugh, check out my “blooper reel” in the “Gallery” Section above! : )


Highlights of The Vision for Inanna House

*The intention of Inanna House is to create numerous centers around the world as millions are in need of help. Here are some highlights of what each of these centers (the first to be built in Sonoma County, California) will provide:

  • A Retreat Style Center with 24 Private Rooms with Baths for In-patient stay, built on 14-15 Acres of viable land.
  • 24 Hour Care and monitoring as patients undergo individualized treatment plans, incorporating all worlds of medicine to acheive optimal re-integration and healing, which would address each aspect of the individual: Mind, Body, and Sprit. 
  • The Center will incorporate Green Energy to make it as self-sustainable as possible. (Good for the Environment, and lowers overhead costs, and thus, in turn, patient fees – now, that’s what I call a win/win situation : )
  • An In-House Organic Garden big enough to feed all residents and provide patients with a necessary “Clean, Alkaline Diet” to aid them in their recovery.
  • A $20 Million Dollar Endowment Fund for individuals who can’t pay for treatment but desperately need it. (Not Kidding…)
  • Fees that are on a sliding scale basis, and a “Give Back” Program so that those who have received treatment and recovered have the opportunity to come back and help give patients who are currently being treated hope, guidance, and support. (Trust me, only Lyme Patients would be thrilled to have this opportunity. Why? Because they desperately wish they had someone to guide them through their own battle to recovery.)
  • A Program specifically designed to help care-takers understand exactly what their loved ones are going through, and how Lyme disease and its co-infections are effecting them. This program will also give specific instructions so that care-takers will also know how they can help their loved ones recover. 

* To learn more about what other amazing features and specific therapies the center intends on offering, please visit their website at:

Sounds Amazing! Right? Here’s why they just need a little help to get things started…

The creation of Inanna House has been a labor of love, filled with blessed intention, and people determined to see it through the end. Their integrity and vision will NOT be comprised, and in an effort ensure that, they have been reaching out to the Lyme Community for help with certain aspects pertaining to the legal matters that would help get Inanna House off the ground and running as a Nationwide Non-Profit Organization with blueprints and budget projectories in-hand to present to willing investors.

However, anyone who has Chronic Lyme Disease will tell you that even with the best of intentions and a sincere determination to help, often times their illness simply overcomes them and they are unable to perform the duties they so very much had wanted to.

In a nutshell, they’ve had a couple unforseen setbacks, and are in need of monetary contributions to enable them to do the following:

  • They need to get their logo copyrighted to prevent any kind of fraud or impersonation:

Estimated Cost: $850

  • Inanna House is considered a non-profit establishment, but not yet a 501(c)(3). To move further in their fundraising endeavors, and to allow for donations of a larger size, they must obtain this. They need to hire an accountant to draw up a budget, and a lawyer to make sure that Inanna House is in compliance with all laws that pertain to becoming a Non-Profit Organization:

Estimated Cost:$3,000

  • They need to have the blueprints for the vision for their center drawn up and approved, as this will help them in future fundraising endeavors, as well as in presentations to foundations and investors: 

Estimated Cost: $3,000

Estimated Cost for Presentation Preparation: $5,000

  • Thus far, ALL of the work that has been put into creating this organization has been lovingly done by either Sara Donnelly or Mara Williams herself. With the expansion of their vision, and more and more people wanting to become involved, it would be impossilble for them to continue their work alone. In order to ensure that every question about this Center is answered, and every future marketing and/or fundraising event is upheld, they desperately need to hire more personnel.

Estimated Cost: $2,000/Month

  • To expand the awareness of Inanna House and their unique vision, they need to hire a Publicist/Marketer to publicize, organize, and help find connections.

Estimated Cost: $3,000/Month

  • This Publicist/Marketer will most definitely be in need of marketing material and promotional products from Inanna House:

Estimated Cost: $2,000

The Total Estimated Cost to Keep the Vision For Inanna House Alive for the Next Year is: $73,850…

The LEAST I could do was try and help them get $20,000, as it would literally give them their wings so that they have a fighting start to move ahead with their amazing vision for the next quarter. 

I’m a FIRM believer in the “Divide and Conquer” method, and I KNOW there are enough people out there to make this happen. I’m not asking for HUGE monetary contributions, in fact I’d rather not. Just a little from a LOT of like-minded people, and we’re there! So please, take a look at our AWESOME perks, contribute if you can, and make some noise by using the Indiegogo Share Tools to get the word out if you can’t. That’s it!


Artemisinin SOD

6 Jul


Artemisinin SOD – Researched Nutritionals

I was using Artemisinin from Allergy Research Group for the past year but at my last visit my LLMD had me order this new one. I like this new one a lot better because not only does it have the Artemisinin in it but it also has other stuff to help get rid of parasites, immune support and calm inflammation at the same time.You will need a special code to order it and not everybody will be able to get a hold of some. I highly recommend it and so does my doctor.

If you like and want to find the Artemisinin for cheaper prices then shop around. Many use VitaCost which I always find is always higher than what I buy all of my supplements for. I found the Allergy Research Group Artemisinin online at 2 for $35.oo by using Google and then the “shopping” tab. I think I ordered it through pure formulas. That was on a sale and the price have gone back to normal. I prefer to buy my most of my supplements through Swanson and Amazon.

The ingredients in this artemisinin are as follows:

  • Artemisinin
    • 98.5% pure artemisia anua (sweet wormwood), the purest form of artemisinin for greatest efficacy & immune support
    • promotes healthy levels of NF kappa B
  • Pro SOD Complex™
    • clinically researched BCM-95 Curcumin for highest absorption and to support healthy inflammation levels
    • Quercetin to promote healthy levels of NF kappa B
    • Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract to nurture the body’s ability to promote healthy levels of SOD to fight reactive oxygen species
    • Black Walnut Hull to advance the body’s natural ability to fight parasites

**If you would like to buy this product you can ONLY do so from an LLMD office or by getting your LLMD/LLND’s name and signing up on the web site below. You need a “physicians code” or you cannot order it.


or by this link


Artemisinin SOD (From Researched Nutritionals Web Site)

Purest Artemisinin plus support for the body’s inflammation & anti-parasitic systems

Artemisinin SOD™ combines pure artemisinin for immune support, green tea extract to promote healthy levels of SOD (superoxide dismutase), curcumin and quercetin for their healthy impact on inflammation and resulting inhibitory affect on NF kappa B, and black walnut hull to arm the body’s anti-parasitic arsenal.

This product was formulated for doctors looking to support the patient’s ability to maintain healthy levels of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF kappa B), while also supporting the body’s natural ability to fight parasites.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a naturally occurring enzyme that protects the body against oxidative stress by scavenging excess superoxide. The body’s ability to minimize oxidative stress is essential in protecting cell membranes, essential proteins and DNA from damage. SOD, for example, may be up to 3,500 times more potent than vitamin C in quenching the dangerous superoxide radical. Antioxidant enzymes like SOD decline markedly with advancing age, leading to an accumulation of free radicals and oxidative damage.

Nuclear Factor kappa Beta (NFkB)is a naturally occurring protein that acts as a switch to turn inflammation on and off in the body. Scientists describe NFkB as a “smoke sensor” that detects dangerous threats like free radicals and infectious agents. In response to these threats, NFkB turns on the genes that produce inflammation. As we age, NFkB expression in the body increases, provoking widespread chronic inflammation.

Each serving contains:

  • Artemisinin
    • 98.5% pure artemisia anua (sweet wormwood), the purest form of artemisinin for greatest efficacy & immune support
    • promotes healthy levels of NF kappa B
  • Pro SOD Complex™
    • clinically researched BCM-95 Curcumin for highest absorption and to support healthy inflammation levels
    • Quercetin to promote healthy levels of NF kappa B
    • Decaffeinated Green Tea Extract to nurture the body’s ability to promote healthy levels of SOD to fight reactive oxygen species
    • Black Walnut Hull to advance the body’s natural ability to fight parasites

Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, adults take 1 or 2 capsules one or two times daily, away from food and iron or as directed by your health care practitioner.

Free of artificial flavors & preservatives, sugar, starch, milk, lactose, casein, gluten, wheat, yeast, tree nuts, fish, sodium.

Caution: Not indicated for pregnant or nursing women. Long term administration (greater than one month) should be monitored by health care practitioner and include liver enzymes and hemoglobin testing. Detoxification reactions may be experienced by some individuals.

Researched Nutritionals’ products are only available through health care professionals. If your doctor has asked you to order, please call Customer Service Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM Pacific Time at 800 755 3402. More detailed information and purchasing is available on line for health care professionals who have registered and signed in: Click here



Treatment Update – 1 Year And 4 Months Later

6 Jul


Treatment Update – Going On Year 2

I was going to wait until I was a year and a half into Lyme treatment before I posted an update but I can pretty much tell it will be the same as today. I wish I had better news but I don’t. At my last visit with the LLMD we established that not much has improved since I first began treatment in March, 2011. I was on meds for Fibromyalgia a year before in 2010 and none of those meds helped either.

Since March of 2011 I now have even more symptoms then then since my first visit. I think the only symptom that has progressed or more like calmed down is my tremors. I was throwing, dropping and having uncontrollable jerks in my hands when holding items. I also would shake bad in my whole arms, hands and fingers. It was tough to eat soup or use a study hand for anything that needed one.

I wouldn’t say my LLMD is doing a poor job because I do get symptoms/medical issues and what he prescribes me does make them go away but just not for good. One example is my mouth sores and chronic strep throat. I was having what felt like razor blades in my throat and sores in my mouth so it was difficult to eat. I took what was recommended by my LLMD and so far they haven’t been back but they would come and go frequently.

My quality of life is still very poor and I am still unable to leave the house, literally. I can still walk so that is good but I walk from my room to my chair or to the bathroom mostly. It seems like my insomnia and CFS like to battle each other. One week I get 30 minutes of sleep on average and the next week I cannot wake up. I will be so exhausted or feeling so bad I can’t talk, move or sit up.

I have been on a lot of meds and different protocols and tried almost every recommendation given to me by others. If I hear how someone feels almost normal and is back having fun I will try what they used. They problem is nothing is working so far and it gets very expensive for no progress.

I still have hope and I know this is a long tough road. I was told from the begging of treatment this could be 5-8 years of treatment before I feel any relief but I know some who feel better year 1 or 2. I just think every case is different and I have had these bugs so long so they can’t be killed so easy. I have cyst and biofilm form and I need to knock down there force fields and kick butt.

I will continue to use treatment as long as I can since I figure doing nothing will only let these bugs continue to ruin my body and mind. I am taking a small break from the aggressive/hardcore antibiotic treatment and 50 pills a day and doing an herbal treatment for now with only one antibiotic. So far no changes but there always hope.

On a positive and lighter note I have seen a few Facebook friends who are feeling much better. They may be in remission. The ones who are feeling better though have only had Lyme for a short time and were treated right away. But that is good to see and I am happy to see any Lymie have success and keeps me fighting.



  • Tremors calmed down
  • 100’s of small parasite zits on forehead cleared up after 3 years of having them
  • IBS is much better being on 2 probiotic
  • Ankle pain went from a 10 down to a 6 on the pain scale
  • Cold sores, mouth sores and strep throat have calmed down
  • Appetite is somewhat back
  • Taste buds can taste again but not 100%
  • Oral candida (white tongue) going away
  • Ringing in ears not as loud (daily ringing, crickets and buzzing)
  • Slightly less head pressure
  • Craving for food is rare but I do on occasion crave Mexican or Onion Rings lol
  • Passing out has ceased for now (yay!)
  • Seizures have calmed

New And Worse Symptoms:

  • Herpes, candida and yeast – NEW (genital area skin is peeling – gross help me!)
  • CFS, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Lethargy
  • Memory loss is really bad both long-term and short-term
  • Depression (from being single and lonely and from Lyme)
  • Not excitement or butterflies…etc – due to depression most likely
  • No strength and it’s even hard to open a cap on a drink
  • Headaches and migraines are more frequent
  • Nausea is more frequent with dry heaves and vomiting
  • Car ride to LLMD makes me sleep for 3 days or get extra exhausted
  • Neck and arms still numb, tingly, and loss of feeling. Neck is stiff and 10 on pain scale
  • Sensitive teeth to hot and cold
  • Cuts in gums – NEW
  • Seeing bright orange spots by the hundreds when I look outside at he sky
  • Turrets in my neck is worse and shakes like a bobble head
  • Cognitive issues
  • Plus more but I forget ……….


New Treatment – June 2012

25 Jun


LLMD Visit – June 2012

Took a long, exhausting car ride to my LLMD today. I was put on a new treatment as expected. I am staying away from the heavy dose of the usual antibiotics for now since I have no insurance until September and to take a break from antibiotics. I asked for herbal treatment and that is what I have received.

I will be on only one antibiotic which I have already been on before so it’s no big deal. I seem to do pretty good on herbal treatments and do not herx or have huge die off. So I hope this one works a little better and kills these bugs.

(On a side note; the visit cost me $625.00 out-of-pocket and insurance does not help cover any of these meds or the doctor visit for those unfamiliar with what us Lymies go through with insurance)




I also finally got the results of my MTHFR test back and it was not god news as I hoped. I have tested positive for both mutant genes but I do not have a copy of the test to share the specific genes and information just yet. I will share that information when I get a copy of the test.


What is MTHFR?

“Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MTHFR gene.[2] Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase catalyzes the conversion of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, a cosubstrate for homocysteine remethylation to methionine. Genetic variation in this gene influences susceptibility to occlusive vascular disease, neural tube defects, colon cancer and acute leukemia, and mutations in this gene are associated with methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency.”


Basically my body is and has not been producing a correct enzyme which can give me risks of getting blood clots, occlusive vascular disease, neural tube defects, colon cancer and acute leukemia. In other words I have to take 2 more pills for life along with my thyroid pill. Each mutation of the gene can be handed down from one parent each or one may mutate on its own. Or so I am told, I’m still new to this.


Updated Treatment Plan:

Chiropractor (for herniated discs in my neck causing neuropathy)

A-BartByron White Formulas (20 drops twice per day – for Bartonella)

A-Bab – Byron White Formulas (20 drops twice per day – for Babesia)

Cryptolepis (20-30 drops per day for Babesia)

A-EB/H6 – Byron White Formulas (20 drops twice a day – for chronic Epstein-Barr virus)

Florazin (for possible fungal infection in mouth)

Nystatin (for possible fungal infection in mouth)

Artemisinin (5 days on 5 off – usual dose for parasites)

Mimosa – (from compound pharmacy -1 three times daily for parasites besides worms)

Septra DS (1 twice a day -only antibiotic I am on)

Florapro (1 per day – for my MTHFR mutant genes)

Acetylated Glutathione (1 twice a day – for my MTHFR mutant genes)



Milk Thistle

Chanca Piedra


Krill Oil

Super B Complex


Vit D3



Chromium Picolinate


Butchers Broom

Horsetail Grass

Coconut Oil

Colostrum – LD

Folic Acid

and many more…….


Added Samento, Banderol and Pinella

3 Jun

Day One: Samento, Banderol And Pinella

(Update) Week one and I am up to 15 drops twice per day and moving to 20 drops tomorrow. I haven’t been having any big die-off reactions but I have noticed an increase of sweat. I have been soaking the bed more than usual and have been feeling very warm, burning in the forehead and the chills. These are my usual daily symptoms but I do notice and increase in intensity and volume of sweat.

Day one

I have heard so much positive feedback on these three droppers that I decided I would give them a try. I was warned by a few people and by the bottle to only start with one drop. I put 10 of each in some water seprated each by 15 minutes apart and waited a minute or two to drink it. Did this twice today. So far I don’t notice any difference. Don’t do as I do only start with 1-5 drops twice per day.

The Samento and Banderol are a microbial defense. They are said to help break down biofilm and help with cyst form Lyme. The Pinella is used as a brain nerve cleanser. They are all three herbal tinctures. Right now I am using a combo of these tinctures; Lyme Specific Formula, Cryptolepis, Samento, Banderol, Pinella and Dr J’s Allermac. I bought mine an Amazon but you can find them at other online stores. iHerb will ship Samento refrigerated for freshness.


Using Samento and Banderol

Use these drops 30 minutes before any meal and on an empty stomach. I use them right when I wake up in the evening time about 1 hour before dinner and later at night/ early morning 2-3 hours after I have a snack or my late night fats for malarone. Do not take the drop with your antibiotics, wait a couple of hours or take them before hours hand.

Normal doses are 1-5 drops of Samento in plain water (I use a shot glass full) and wait 1-2 minutes before drinking. Then wait 15-20 minutes and and then add 1-5 drops of Banderol to the same amount of water and wait 1-2 before drinking.

You can use these while on antibiotic treatment and I hear that if you are at a plateau where your antibiotics stop working then that is the best time for these drops.Check out the video below for a doctors comments on the droppers.



(Marty Ross MD on Banderol and Samento in Lyme Disease)


A List Of My Supplements And Herbals

31 May

(Just some of my daily supplements/meds)

My Supplements and Herbals (* must have)

*Vitamin D3

*Vitamin B Complex

Natural Vitamin E

Vitamin A, C, E & Selenium

Amazon Spiro



Devil’s Claw

Fibro Essentials


*Chanca Piedra


Sleep Essentials


*Omega 3 (Krill Oil)

Acai Berry


Adrenal Essence

Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Goji Berry

*Milk Thistle

Saw Palmetto



Grapeseed/Green Tea/Pine Bark




Cat’s Claw

Oregano Oil

Pau D’arco



Tart Cherry Extract

Butcher’s Broom

Chromium Picolinate

Chloline & Inositol

Holy Basil Leaf

Olive Leaf


Gluthathione Precursor Complex

Sarsaparilla Root

Horsetail Grass

Coconut Oil Soft Gels



Potassium Citrate


Nutramedix Banderol


Lyme Specific Formula



Vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Chia Seed


I’m sure there is more I am forgetting…… I am not taking all of these daily these are just all of the ones I have tried. At one point I was up to 45 pills per day.



How To Get Mepron Covered By Insurance And Tips

28 May


How To Get Mepron Covered By Insurance & Tips


If you suffer from a nasty little parasite that is feeding off of your red blood cells called Babesia then you will most likely be prescribed Mepron. Mepron (Atovaquone) is a semi-thick bright yellow suspension (liquid) that is taken orally. The liquid resembles paint and us Lymies call it by a few nicknames such as “yellow paint”.

Mepron can temporally stain clothing, kitchen sinks, counter tops or just about anything it touches. Be sure to brush your teeth after sipping it down. The average dose myself and others I have spoken to take daily is 1 tsp twice per day. You should usally be taking Zithomax (Azithromycin) with Mepron. Mepron should always be taken with at least 20-30 grams of good fats.


Some good FATS you should eat before taking your Mepron:

  • 1 Egg = 5 grams
  • Cashew/Almond Butter – 1 tbs = 10 grams
  • Sesame Butter – 1 tbs = 8 grams
  • 1 Avocado = 30 grams (recommended – I make guacamole with fresh garlic and cilantro)
  • Coconut Oil – 1 tbs = 14 grams
  • Kefir – 1 cup = 8.75 grams
  • Almonds (raw) – 1/4 cup = 11.5 grams (recommended)
  • Cheese – 1 slice = 9 grams
  • 100g of cod liver oil – 99g of fat
  • 100g of cold smoked salmon – 8g of fat
  • 100g of hot smoked halibut – 5-17g of fat
  • 100g of butter – 70-82g of fat


*You can also eat chicken or sausage if you prefer but you will need to eat many pieces of chicken or many links of sausage. There are many other choices but these are some of the better ones.




How To Get Merpon Covered Or For Free


Step One:

I was denied insurance coverage of Mepron last year while trying to get my prescription filled. I was told the Mepron would cost me about $1,500 out-of-pocket if I needed to buy it. After shopping around many pharmacies I found the cheapest price was $975 which is still way too much for any Lymie.

Here is how I got 2 bottles of Mepron covered. My insurance company denied Mepron not only because of the cost but because there are alternatives such as Malarone. Malarone does not work as good as Mepron.

I called my insurance company and they told me they were willing to cover it only if they knew that is the only brand/med that will work for my illness. So they asked that my doctor (LLMD) call them and verbally tell them that only recommends Mepron and that it is the only medicine that will help me.

This took maybe two months of back and forth on the phone. My doctor would say he already called and my insurance would say they never received the call. So don’t give up. By the third try the insurance case worker and my doctor were on the same page and they agreed to cover only 2 months worth (2 bottles). I have since been denied any new prescriptions for Mepron.


Step Two:

*This step may only work if you have little to no health insurance. Most likely they will approve you if you have no insurance.

The makers of Mepron (GlaxoSmithKline) have a program to help patients get Mepron. You can find information about this program either from your LLMD, Online or call them on the phone. The program is called Bridges To Access.

I filled out an application and mailed it in. A really nice lady called me back weeks later and told me I was denied.The reason I was denied was because I have insurance. She told me if my insurance was a certain kind it may qualify me but I had the kind that was not qualified. They are really helpful and nice and willing to work with you so don’t be afraid to call them

Click this link HERE and find out if you qualify for the program. I hear those who do qualify get at least 2-3 bottles for free. Good luck.


Step Three:

Ask around to other Lymies. Many of us have a whole pharmacy at home and expiring meds. There are social networks such as Facebook or Twitter to ask around. Usually people are willing to send you the bottle for free and they may even pay for shipping if you are in debt. If you know where to look there are groups for med exchanges. Yahoo Lyme groups are also good to ask around on.

I hope these tips will help you get your Mepron. I had so much trouble getting mine covered and I know many of you do too. If you have any tips leave a comment and I will add them into this posting with your name. Thank you.


PLEASE READ –> check my comments below for generous people who are willing to ship you their Mepron.



I was able to get two more bottles for free in November, 2012 from a fellow Lymie via a group and I just paid shipping. Very nice person and helped save me $100’s-$1000’s!




Interesting Mepron Info

I found this link interesting. Look at some of the studies and side effects on this PDF file for Mepron:



Cryptolepis Added To Help Fight Babesia

12 May


I finished my last bottle of Mepron last week and insurance refuses to cover another bottle after I fought to have 2 bottles covered. Now I am back on Malarone. I decided to add in Cryptolepis since I handle Malarone pretty well.

What is Cryptolepis?

(Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) roots from Africa – As featured in Stephen Buhner’s book: Herbal Antibiotics. This root is supposed to hep kill off Babesia.


Where To Buy Cryptolepis?
