Archive | April, 2016

Quick Update 

2 Apr


I’m not in a good place in my life physically, mentally and emotionally. The girl I moved here to live with decided she can’t do this so she had someone else text me and tell me “it’s over and to leave her alone now”. Who the hell does that? She’s too afraid to face me and tell me or give me a chance. I don’t want to talk about it but that’s the just of it.

I’ve been sicker and need to be in the hospital but have nobody to drive me. I can barely walk, shaky, fevers, brain hurts worse…. Not sure if it’s the Mepron. I never had trouble with Mepron in the past. I’ve been sleeping a lot and trying to take my mind off things. 

Hang in there guys/gals we will do this. Nothing will stop us!