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Must Watch Show – Monsters Inside Me

13 Oct


Must Watch Show – Monsters Inside Me

Monsters Inside Me has returned for a third season that started on October 5, 2012.  If you suffer from Lyme disease, tick-borne diseases or parasites then this show is a must watch. It can gross you out but it will explain a lot about parasites and bugs inside of you. Again if you are grossed out really easy you may not want to watch but it is re-enacting so they don’t show the real parasites most of the time.

In the first two season they have already covered Babesia. I hear they were going to cover Lyme and Bartonella but cut those two out. They do mention Lyme disease and tick-borne diseases often.

The show airs on Animal Planet channel Fridays @ 8PM E/P


Second 10 Day Course Of Ivermectin – Update

25 May


Quick Update On Ivermectin


Still not feeling well so I cannot keep up with the blog lately.I just wanted to add that I have started in on my second 10 day course of Ivermectin and so far I am not seeing any worms, flukes…etc.Let’s hope that all of those critters have died and their are no eggs or new hatches hanging around. If you think this is gross or TMI, I can almost guarantee that you have them too.

I am taking 4 pills of 3mg each or 12mg once a day  on an empty stomach with water. Only on day one of the first 10 day course did I have stomach cramps and diarrhea. I double up on VSL#3 and since day one I have been having no cramps or any issues. I have no side effects (or if I do I do not notice since I already have so many symptoms).

I would highly recommend at least 2-3 months of Alinia and the Ivermectin for those who want to get rid of intestinal parasites. Both have been good to me and I have seen results. There are natural alternatives such as raw pumpkin seeds and many herbals that may do the same trick if you cannot handle meds well.






Cryptolepis Added To Help Fight Babesia

12 May


I finished my last bottle of Mepron last week and insurance refuses to cover another bottle after I fought to have 2 bottles covered. Now I am back on Malarone. I decided to add in Cryptolepis since I handle Malarone pretty well.

What is Cryptolepis?

(Cryptolepis sanguinolenta) roots from Africa – As featured in Stephen Buhner’s book: Herbal Antibiotics. This root is supposed to hep kill off Babesia.


Where To Buy Cryptolepis?


Parasite Treatment: Ivermectin – 12mg (4 capsules) Per Day

3 May


Day two: I have already seen another 4″ worm and 2 liver flukes today. I never had any liver flukes come out while on herbals or Alinia. So the Ivermectin seems to be the best so far and working fast! The bad part is that I was regular for 2 months with my BM’s and today I have diarrhea again, ugh. After 15 years of IBS it felt good to be regular and not have Diarrhea for once. Diarrhea is to be expected with Ivermectin so I will double up on my VSL#3 probiotic tonight.

Day Three: Today I saw another liver fluke I believe. I was a about the size of a button and look like a lightly cooked piece of fat from a steak. Since I do not eat steak or much meat it can’t be any meat fat. In fact I had soup the past few days. This little critter was tan in color and almost like a piece of a garden slug. Very gross but better out of me then living in my liver! Die!! I did take 2 VSL#3 last night and today I has a regular BM so that was good. The VSL#3 and D-Earth have really helped me out during tough times.

Day Four and Five: Nothing to report. No worms or flukes spotted. I haven’t had loose stool so they may be compacted in my waste and hidden and I am not going to dissect it (lol). My BM’s are regular again thanks to probiotics and D-Earth.


Ivermectin – Day One (this could get graphic)

I am starting my Ivermectin today and I am taking 12mg or four 3mg pills once per day on an empty stomach with water. I am pulsing and taking it for 10 days on, 10 days off , and 10 days on then I am done. I already did Alinia for 2-3 months and had some success. I hear Ivermectin will finish the job.

My insurance denied Ivermectin (Stromectol) even after I fought with them. I had my doctor call and tell them I have already tried all the other parasite killers but my insurance did not want to pay for the high price of Ivermectin I guess. So my pharmacy wanted $44 per 3mg pill and I need 80 pills. After some calls I found a pharmacy that will do a compound of Ivermectin for $140 for 80 pills. That’s a huge savings.

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